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SMS Display Receiver



Displays received SMS messages on a LCD screen, which are sent by remote SMS Alert unit(s), e.g. Panic Alarms, Fire Alarms, Burglar Alarms etc.
This is an alternative to the Sherif software below. When a new SMS is received, a buzzer will sound until any button is pressed.
*Uses 20x4 display, not as per picture.  Also covered with perpex shield to prevent damage.

Button 1:
Displays the contents of the inbox e.g. 
Address book name, cell number and SMS text (up to 20 characters).
Button 2:
Displays the contents of the inbox e.g. 
Address book name, cell number and SMS text (up to 20 characters) and deletes the item from the inbox.




If you are outside of SA please first contact us for a quote -

For a custom solution or order details  Contact us on WhatsApp



R4,200 with shipping and liability cover in SA

Option 1 - none (R0)
Option 2 - none (R0)

Total Amount: R4,750

Shipping Address
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* Line 2
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* Province
* Country
* Postal Code